



Purple Ombre Lavender Cake

I made this cake for my name day (Michaelmas). I wanted it to be purple, ombré and lavender flavored. I used Gretchen’s recipe for a white, moist sponge cake, but I infused the milk with dried lavender flowers and let cooled, then I strained the flowers before using the milk for preparing the batter. I also used powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar. For the frosting, I made a vanilla flavored swiss meringue buttercream. The result was tasty, classy and beautiful 🙂 Happy Name Day to me 🙂



Ingredients Purple Ombre Lavender Cake

► Sponge cakes
From the recipe below I got 2 cakes of 6 cm diameter and I baked 3x the recipe in order to obtain 6 layers of sponge cakes. 
• 175 g white flour                           
• 5 g baking powder                  
• a pinch of salt                
• 125 g butter (softened)                               
• 175 g powdered sugar
• 2 tablespoons dried lavender flowers
• 100 g egg white (at room temperature)
• 125 ml whole milk
► Swiss meringue buttercream:
• 125 g egg whites
• 200 g granulated sugar
• 200 g butter (82% fat), cubed
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Directions Purple Ombré Lavender Cake

►Preparing the sponge cakes
Preheat the oven at 175 Celsius. Prepare two round spring forms  of 16 cm diameter, grease them with butter and place baking paper discs on the base.
Bring the milk to a boil, add dried lavender flowers, cover with a plate and let infuse until the cooled, then remove the lavender flowers (using a sieve) and mix the milk with egg whites.  Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Mix butter with powdered sugar until creamy, add 1/3 of dry mixture (flour+baking powder+salt), homogenize, then add 1/2 of wet mixture (egg whites + milk), homogenize, then add again 1/3 of dry mixture, then 1/2 of wet mixture and finally incorporate the last 1/3 of dry mixture. Divide the batter into 2 equal parts, and color the other in purple shade.
Put the two shades (white and light purple) into the spring forms, introduce them into the oven and bake until they’re done (about 15-20 minutes). When they’re baked, let cool then remove the cakes from the spring forms and put them on a wire rack.
►Swiss meringue buttercream
Put egg whites and granulated sugar into a heatproof bowl set over a pan with simmering water. Whisk gently but continuously, until the egg whites are warm to the touch and the sugar has dissolved (about 5-7 minutes). Transfer the bowl to the mixer and whip the mixture on medium-high speed until it gets stiff and completely cooled to room temperature. Add vanilla extract and homogenize, then add gradually the butter cubes, mixing well after each addition. Scrape down sides of the bowl with a flexible spatula and continue beating until the frosting is nice and smooth.

Assembling Purple Ombre Lavender Cake

Put the darkest cake layer onto the plate, spread evenly some buttercream, place  the next layer on top, spread an equal amount of buttercream and so on until you get to the white layer cake.
Cover the whole ensemble with the remaining buttercream and level, the decorate as desired (I chose a purple roses bouquet).

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