
These Chocolate Cookie Cups are not only gorgeous but also delicious.



Chocolate Cookie Cups

For today I have Chocolate Cookie Cups – a special dessert, a true delight for everyone of us, whether we are children or grown ups; which is not too difficult to make, no special tools needed, and is a gorgeous treat for our children, for ourselves or for any guest.

Dominique Ansel is a talented and inventive French pastry chef. Since 2011, when he opened his own patisserie in New York, he gained appreciation, won important awards and of course lots of loyal customers. Ansel reinvented pastry, creating and perfecting a range of dishes, such as donut pastry (Cronut) or the dessert which looks like a pine cone (Gingerbread Pinecone). His latest invention is the cup made from cookie dough and filled with chocolate and milk – Chocolate Chip Cookie Shot – which had (and still has) a huge success. “If everyone was drinking milk with cookies, you might as well make a dessert that allows them both to be combined” – said Ansel, and so the Cookie Cup was created 🙂

I wanted to make myself these cookie cups. I didn’t have molds for them but that was not a problem. I made my own molds from paper covered with aluminum foil. Instead of cups, I made little pots with lids, which I filled with chocolate ganache and decorated with raspberries.




Ingredients Chocolate Cookie Cups

  • 115 g soft butter
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 100 g brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 250 g all purpose flour
  • 50 g chocolate drops
  • 100 g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 100 g whipping cream
  • raspberries (or other fruits) to decorate




Directions Chocolate Cookie Cups

Mix granulated sugar, brown sugar and butter until creamy. Add the egg and homogenize, then add flour. Finally add chocolate drops and incorporate them gently using a spatula. Put the dough into the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.


When its cold enough to handle, take pieces from the dough and build a 5 mm-thick coat inside the cups (base and walls), by pressing the dough to the mold. Do not add more flour. Eventually, dust your fingers with a little flour if dough is sticky (it softens quickly by the warmth of hands – eventually refrigerate again the dough for a few minutes). Roll the remaining dough into a 3 mm-thick layer and, using a round cookie cutter, cut discs which will form the lids.


Place the cups and lids onto a tray lined with baking paper and put them in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 175 Celsius. Bake the cookies for about 20 minutes (or until they are nicely browned). When the cookies are ready, remove them from oven, let cool, and then extract them from the molds.


Bring the cream to a boil and pour over the chocolate. Wait for 2-3 minutes to set, then stir until chocolate is melted and the mixture is creamy and smooth. Pour into the cookie cups and let the ganache set. When serving, decorate with fruits.





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