

. Raspberry Chocolate Bonbons Bomboane de ciocolata cu zmeura homemade Martisor Dragobete Valentines candy easy quick recipe bonbons au chocolat framboises reteta bomboane de casa ganache dulceata rapide usoare fara matrita Valentine’s Day Raspberry Chocolate Bonbons Bomboane de ciocolata cu zmeura

Raspberry Chocolate Bonbons Bomboane de ciocolata cu zmeura

For English Recipe see below

Dragi prieteni,  va prezint niste bijuterii dulci, frumos colorate si ciocolatoase,. care se prepara extrem de rapid si de usor, daca aveti o forma cu cavitati mai mici. Eu am avut o forma de mini-financiers, dar poate fi folosita si o forma pentru mini-cupcakes, cakepops, mini-caneles etc. Doar sa fie o forma dintr-un silicon mai de calitate si mai tare. In general pentru temperarea ciocolatei este util un termometru;. dar eu am facut bomboane de ciocolata si fara,. trebuie doar sa aveti grija ca ciocolata sa fie topita dar nu fierbinte!

Bomboanele facute in casa sunt mai speciale atunci cand nu sunt perfecte. ❤ Forma pe care am folosit-o am cumparat-o de la hypermarket. E dintr-un silicon de calitate si nu a costat prea mult. Am vrut sa va arat ca se pot face bomboane de ciocolata si fara formele acelea scumpe din policarbonat;. care se si gasesc foarte greu. Forma mea contine 16 cavitati cu dimensiunile de 6×3 cm;. iar cantitatile din reteta mi-au ajuns sa le umplu pe toate. Am obtinut cca 670 g de bomboane.

Bonbons au chocolat framboises candy recipe

Asadar, aceste bijuterii sunt facute cu doar 3 ingrediente de baza: ciocolata, frisca lichida si dulceata de zmeura (sau gem). O parte din ciocolata am temperat-o, pentru cochiliile bomboanelor (partea exterioara);. cealalta parte am amestecat-o cu frisca lichida ca sa obtin un ganache ca sa umplu bomboanele;. iar pentru un plus de aroma si de culoare am adaugat in umplutura si dulceata de zmeura. Decorul este la alegerea fiecaruia, bomboanele pot fi lasate si asa simple, ele sunt oricum exceptionale la gust. Pot fi o tratatie eleganta sau chiar un cadou special de Dragobete, martisor (ca nu mai e mult); cu care veti surprinde placut pe oricine. Caci, nu-i asa?, ciocolata si zmeura sunt doua dintre ingredientele iubirii ❤ Raspberry Chocolate Bonbons Bomboane de ciocolata cu zmeura


  • 450 g ciocolata temperata
  • 220 g dulceata de zmeura www.simonacallas.com
  • 200 g ganache de ciocolata

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Raspberry Chocolate Bonbons Bomboane de ciocolata cu zmeura

Dear friends, I present you these sweet, beautifully colored and edible jewels, which are prepared extremely quickly and easily. You just need a silicone form with smal cavities (I had a mini-financiers silicone mold; but it can be also used a mini-cupcakes mold, cakepops, mini-caneles etc). Usually, a thermometer is used for tempering chocolate; but I made chocolates without it, you just have to make sure that the chocolate is melted but not hot! Homemade bonbons are more special when they are not perfect ❤

The mold I used for these bonbons I bought from the hypermarket. It’s made of quality silicone and didn’t cost too much. I wanted to show you that you can make chocolate candies without those expensive polycarbonate molds; which in some countries are very difficult to find. My shape contains 16 cavities with dimensions of 6×3 cm; and the quantities of the recipe were enough to fill them all. I got about 670 g of bonbons.

Bonbons au chocolat framboises candy recipe

So, these jewels are made with only 3 basic ingredients: chocolate, whipping cream and raspberry jam. I tempered one part of the chocolate for the bonbon shells; I mixed the other part with the whipping cream to obtain a chocolate ganache for the filling; and for extra flavor and color I added in the filling some raspberry jam. The bonbons decor is up to everyone, they can be left so simple and still exceptional in taste. These Chocolate&Raspberry bonbons can be an elegant treat or even a special gift for Valentine’s Day or any other special holiday, with which you will pleasantly surprise anyone. Because, isn’t it ?, chocolate and raspberries are two of the ingredients of love ❤ Homemade candy bonbons au chocolat et framboises Ingredients

  • 450 g tempered chocolate
  • 220 g raspberry jam
  • 200 g chocolate ganache

For preparing instructions see the video below. Please subscribe to my Youtube channel and click the bell icon to get new video updates. Thank you ❤

Raspberry Chocolate Bonbons Bomboane de ciocolata cu zmeura



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