
Winter Cake Snowflake tort de iarna fulg de nea cu fructul pasiunii cocos ciocolata passionfruit maeacuja coconut chocolate entremet velvet glaze glazura catifea

Winter Cake Snowflake Tort de iarna fulg de nea


Winter Cake Snowflake Tort de iarna fulg de nea by Simona Callas

For English Version please see below


Despre acest tort pot sa va spun doar atat: este fin, cremos, fructat, racoritor, delicat si absolut delicios. Am folosit fructul pasiunii, pentru ca imi place maracuja (fructul pasiunii) si am piure congelat. Dar il puteti inlocui cu orice alt fruct, reteta este aceeasi. Combinatia cu ciocolata alba si cocos este fantastica, iar torturile entremet sunt totusi destul de usor de preparat. Mie mi se par la indemana, si apelez destul de frecvent la deserturi de asemenea tip. Cum am forme din silicon, care usureaza mult procesul de preparare, dar am facut torturi entremet si fara forme din silicon, gasiti exemple aici si aici.

Asadar, tortul se compune din: un blat subtire cu migdale, mousse de cocos cu ciocolata alba, insertie de maracuja (jeleu si mousse) iar la suprafata o glazura catifea alba. Am decorat cu fulgi de nea facut din pasta de zahar bleu (gasiti reteta aici) si perlute de zahar argintii, care impreuna cu glazura alba dau un accent   diafan acestui tort minunat.

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Winter Cake Snowflake Tort de iarna fulg de nea


Ingrediente Tort de iarna fulg de nea by Simona Callas

Blat din albusuri cu migdale

  • 50 g albus
  • ¼ lgt sare www.simonacallas.com
  • 35 g zahar tos
  • 35 g faina migdale
  • 15 g zahar pudra
  • 30 g faina alba


Jeleu fructul pasiunii

  • 20 ml apa rece
  • 5 g gelatina pudra
  • 100 g suc fructul pasiunii, indulcit dupa gust, cald


Mousse fructul pasiunii

  • 30 ml apa rece
  • 7 g gelatina pudra www.simonacallas.com
  • 100 g suc fructul pasiunii, indulcit dupa gust, cald
  • 100 g frisca batuta


Mousse cocos cu ciocolata alba

  • 30 ml apa rece
  • 7 g gelatina pudra
  • 3 galbenusuri www.simonacallas.com
  • 15 g zahar pudra
  • 100 g lapte de cocos, fierbinte
  • 1 lgt extract de cocos (optional)
  • 150 g ciocolata alba, topita
  • 150 g frisca batuta


Glazura catifea

  • 120 g ciocolata alba
  • 50 g unt de cacao


Modul de preparare îl puteţi vizualiza in clipul de mai jos. Va rog sa apasati butoanele Subscribe si clopotel pe canalul meu de Youtube pentru a fi anuntati de fiecare data cand postez o reteta noua. Va multumesc ❤


entremet mousse cocos fructul pasiunii maracuja coconut passion fruit


Winter Cake Snowflake by Simona Callas Tort de iarna

Here is what I can tell you about this cake: it is creamy, fruity, refreshing, delicate and absolutely delicious. I made it with passion fruit, because I like maracuja very much (passion fruit) and I had frozen puree. But you can replace it with any other fruit, the recipe is the same.

The combo of white chocolate and coconut is fantastic, and the entremet cakes are quite easy to prepare. They seem handy to me, and I often prepare this type of desserts. Now I have silicone molds, which makes the preparation process much easier, but I used to make entremet cakes without silicone molds, you can find examples here and here.

So, this cake consists of: an almond biscuit, coconut mousse with white chocolate, passion fruit insert (jelly and mousse) and on the surface a white velvet glaze. I decorated it with snowflakes made of blue sugar paste (you can find the recipe here) and silver sugar pearls, which together with the white glaze give a diaphanous accent to this wonderful cake.

Winter Cake Snowflake Tort de iarna fulg de nea


Ingredients Winter Cake Snowflake by Simona Callas 


White almond biscuit

  • 50 g egg whites
  • ¼ tsp salt www.simonacallas.com
  • 35 g granulated sugar
  • 35 g almond flour
  • 15 g icing sugar
  • 30 g cake flour


Passion fruit jelly

  • 20 ml cold water
  • 5 g gelatin powder
  • 100 g passion fruit juice, sweetened and warmed


Passion fruit mousse

  • 30 ml cold water
  • 7 g gelatin powder www.simonacallas.com
  • 100 g passion fruit juice, sweetened and warmed
  • 100 g whipped cream


Coconut mousse

  • 30 ml cold water
  • 7 g gelatin powder
  • 3 egg yolks www.simonacallas.com
  • 15 g icing sugar
  • 100 g coconut milk, hot
  • 150 g white chocolate, melted
  • 150 g whipped cream


Velvet texture glaze

  • 120 g white chocolate
  • 50 g cocoa butter


For preparing instructions see the video below. Please subscribe to my Youtube channel and click the bell icon to get new video updates. Thank you ❤



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