
Banana Hazelnut Caramel Cheesecake banane alune de padure entremet blat negru umed cu alune negresa alune moist brownie banana mousse cake valentines valentine’s day dessert

Banana Hazelnut Caramel Cheesecake banane alune

Cheesecake cu banane, alune de padure si caramel

For English version please see below

Acest desert este tot ce-si poate dori un iubitor de prajituri fine, deosebite si cremoase. Am adunat in el arome din registre diferite, dar care se imbina perfect: banane, alune de padure, ciocolata, caramel. Este in acelasi timp cheesecake, entremet, prajitura de cofetarie, tort de mare gala. Puteti sa il denumiti cum doriti. Are 5 straturi: blat umed, negru si catifelat; banane caramelizate in zahar Demerara; cheesecake cu alune de padure si ciocolata alba; cheesecake cu banane si ciocolata; glazura delicioasa de caramel. Pentru decor am ales niste fulgi din ciocolata, pentru ca se fac repede si sunt de efect. Oricum prajitura este ea singura atat de spectaculoasa, incat nu mai conteaza decorul 🙂

Asadar, acest desert minunat, este conceput de mine, este divin de cremos si delicios, si nici nu e foarte greu de preparat. Cantitatile din reteta sunt pentru un tort de aproximativ 1 kg. Eu am folosit o rama de inox cu dimensiunile de 20×12 cm (in ea am copt blatul si tot in ea am pregatit insertia si apoi am montat prajitura), iar la montare am pus folie de acetofan pe interiorul ramei, deoarece rama mea are doar 5 cm inaltime iar prajitura a iesit inalta de 7 cm. Pentru o rama de 21×16 cm, prajitura ar iesi de 5 cm inaltime, cu aceleasi cantitati. Si tot cu aceleasi cantitati se poate face un tort rotund cu diametrul de 17 cm (inaltimea 7 cm) sau cu diametrul de 20 cm (inaltime de 5 cm).

Entremet cu banane alune de padure si glazura caramel

Note: Banana Hazelnut Caramel Cheesecake banane alune

  • La blat trebuie indepartata partea superioara, ca sa fie perfect drept si sa nu fie mai gros de un deget
  • Piureul de banane petru mousse (cheesecake) trebuie neaparat sa fie incalzit, pentru ca gelatina sa se dizolve total si omogen
  • Pasta de ciocolata cu alune poate fi preparata in casa sau cumparata de gata (pasta de alune bio, praliné noisette, Gianduja alla nociole etc, se gasesc la magazinele specializate). Sau puteti pur si simplu sa folositi Nutella 9cumparata sau facuta in casa; ori topiti ciocolata cu alune, ori ciocolata cu lapte simpla in care adaugati alune macinate.
  • Puteti alege o glazura caramel mai simpla si mai rapida, din 150 g sos de caramel cald (gasiti reteta aici – link) in care se adauga 50 g unt
  • Pentru reusita oricarui desert, folositi ingrediente de calitate

Banana Hazelnut Caramel Cheesecake banane alune

Ingrediente Cheesecake cu banane alune de padure si caramel

Negresa cu alune

  • 1 ou
  • 75 g zahăr tos
  • 30 ml ulei de alune de padure
  • 75 g iaurt cremos www.simonacallas.com
  • 1 linguriţă extract de vanilie
  • 50 g faina
  • 30g alune de padure macinate
  • 15g cacao
  • ¼ lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
  • ¼ lingurita sare


Banane caramelizate

  • 2 banane medii coapte (cam 200g cantarite fara coaja)
  • 50 g unt www.simonacallas.com
  • 75 g zahar brun Demerara


Cheesecake cu alune si ciocolata


Cheesecake cu banane si ciocolata

  • 250 g banane pasate
  • 15 ml suc lamaie
  • 10 g gelatina pudra + 50 ml lapte rece
  • 100 g crema de branza www.simonacallas.com
  • 20 g zahar pudra
  • 150g ciocolata alba topita
  • 100 g frisca batuta lejer


Glazura caramel

  • 5 g gelatina pudra + 20 ml apă rece
  • 75 g zahăr tos + 75 ml apă calda (pentru caramelizare)
  • 50 g smântână pentru frişcă www.simonacallas.com
  • 7 g amidon + 20 ml apă rece


Modul de preparare il puteti vedea in clipul de mai jos.



Banana Hazelnut Caramel Cheesecake banane alune

This dessert is everything a lover of fine, special and creamy cakes would want. I gathered in it flavors from different registers, but which combine perfectly: bananas, hazelnuts, chocolate, caramel. It is at the same time a cheesecake, an entremet, and a gala cake. You can call it whatever you want. It has 5 layers: a velvety brownie; caramelized bananas, hazelnut&white chocolate cheesecake; banana&chocolate cheesecake; and a delicious caramel glaze on top. For the decoration I chose chocolate feathers, because they are made quickly and are impressive. Anyway, the cake itself is so spectacular that the garnish doesn’t matter too much 🙂

So, this wonderful dessert is designed by me, it’s divine and creamy and delicious, and it is not very difficult to prepare. The quantities in the recipe are for a cake of about 1 kg. I used a stainless steel frame with dimensions of 20×12 cm / 8×5” (I used it to bake the brownie and also for preparing the insertion and then for assembling the cake), and when assembling I used acetate foil on the inside of the frame, because my frame has only 5 cm (2”) high and the cake came out 7 cm (2,75”) high. With the same quantities you can make a round cake with a diameter of 17 cm (height 7 cm) or a diameter of 20 cm (height 5 cm).


Notes: Banana Hazelnut Caramel Cheesecake banane alune

  • The top must be removed from the brownie layer, because it must be perfectly horizontal and not thicker than a finger.
  • Banana puree for mousse (cheesecake) must be warmed, so that the gelatin dissolves completely and homogeneously
  • You can choose a simpler and faster caramel glaze, from 150 g of hot caramel sauce (see the recipe here – link) in which 50 g of butter is added
  • For the success of any dessert, use quality ingredients

Banana Hazelnut Caramel Cheesecake banane alune

Ingredients Banana Hazelnut Chocolate Cheesecake

Hazelnut brownie

  • 1 egg
  • 75 g granulated sugar
  • 30 ml hazelnut oil
  • 75 g creamy yogurt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 50 g cake flour
  • 30 g ground hazelnuts
  • 15 g cocoa powder
  • ¼ tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp salt


Caramelized bananas

  • 2 ripe bananas (about 200 g weighed without peel)
  • 50 g butter www.simonacallas.com
  • 75 g Demerara brown sugar


Hazelnut Chocolate Cheesecake

  • 100 g cream cheese
  • 50 g hazelnut chocolate paste www.simonacallas.com
  • 100 g white chocolate, melted
  • 100 g slightly whipped cream


Banana Chocolate Cheesecake

  • 3 ripe bananas, medium sized (about 250 g weighed without peel)
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • 10 g gelatin powder + 50 ml cold milk
  • 100 g cream cheese www.simonacallas.com
  • 20 g icing sugar
  • 150 g white chocolate, melted
  • 100 g slightly whipped cream


Caramel glaze

  • 5 g gelatin powder + 20 ml cold water
  • 75 g granulated sugar www.simonacallas.com
  • 75 ml warm water
  • 7 g corn starch + 20 ml cold water
  • 50 g cream (whipping cream)


For preparing instructions see the video below.



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