
Strawberry Pistachio Cheesecake capsune fistic reteta simpla cheesecake fara coacere cheesecake cu capsune cheesecake cu fistic mousse fistic mousse de ciocolata no bake cheesecake fara coacere fara cuptor no gelatin fara gelatina prajitura fara coacere fara gelatina fara ou fructe de padure tort ciocolata usor rapid cremos easy quick chocolate cake recipe tort fara coacere fara gelatina tort fara ou no bake cake no gelatin no egg egfree cake quick chocolate cake recipe 

Strawberry Pistachio Cheesecake capsune fistic

Strawberry Pistachio Cheesecake capsune fistic

For English version please see below

Daca va doriti un desert fin, cremos, fructat, fara coacere, care se prepara usor si are un gust minunat, iata o solutie. Aceasta prajitura va face furori in randul copiilor, adultilor; al familiei, prietenilor dar si al celor mai pretentiosi invitati ❤  Si cum nu ar fi asa? Am combinat trei dintre cele mai fantastice ingrediente: capsune, fistic si ciocolata alba care, impreuna cu crema de branza si frisca, au dat rezultat unui desert desavarsit.

Capsunele sunt proaspete, culese din gradina mea si crescute de mine. Le-am ales pe cele potrivite si de dimensiuni aproximativ egale. Inutil sa va mai spun cat sunt de dulci, parfumate si gustoase.

Pasta de fistic am cumparat-o de la un magazin naturist. Gasiti o multitudine de oferte, cu un search pe google. Puteti sa o faceti si acasa, din fistic crud si putin ulei, macinate impreuna la chopper (ca cel pe care il utilizez eu in videoclipul de mai jos).

Tort Prajitura fara coacere capsune fistic

Pentru glazura de deasupra am folosit un plic de Tort Gelee (se gaseste la orice bacanie). Este simplu si rapid de preparat. O alta varianta ar fi glazura facuta acasa, cu pectina si acid citric (ambele se gasesc de cumparat la magazinele specializate). Sau, in ultima instanta, puteti folosi gelatina si un suc de fructe rosii (cirese, zmeura, capsune, merisoare). Dar eu nu am vrut sa folosesc gelatina si, in plus, Tort Gelee se incheaga in cateva minute.

Nota: pentru a se aseza mai bine, crema alba (cea fara fistic) am incalzit-o cateva secunde la microunde, pentru a deveni mai fluida.

Dacă  apreciaţi  reţetele mele, vă rog să urmăriţi pagina mea de facebook Simonacallas, unde vă ofer în fiecare zi surse de inspiraţie pentru meniurile zilei, meniuri de ocazie sau reţete speciale. De asemenea, vă invit să vă înscrieţi în SimonaCallas Grup Oficial, unde vă pot răspunde la întrebări, vă pot oferi sfaturi culinare şi pregătesc pentru voi concursuri frumoase, cu premii interesante. NOU!!!! Pe canalul meu de youtube veti gasi retete video, noi-noute, usoare si delicioase.

Desert tort prajitura fara coacere cuptor gelatina fructe

Ingrediente Strawberry Pistachio Cheesecake capsune fistic

  • 250 g biscuiti cu ovaz
  • 50 g unt topit
  • 350 g crema de branza
  • 30 g zahar pudra
  • 200 g ciocolata alba topita
  • 75 g pasta de fistic www.simonacallas.com
  • 150 g frisca batuta lejer
  • 600 g capsune
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie
  • 25 g zahar tos
  • 1 plic tort gelee rosu
  • 250 ml apa

Prepararea acestui desert minunat o puteti urmari in videoclipul de mai jos. AICI (link) puteti gasi inspiratie pentru alte retete de cheesecake, absolut delicioase.

prajitura de casa fara coacereDesert tort prajitura fara coacere cuptor gelatina fructe


Strawberry Pistachio Cheesecake capsune fistic


If you crave for a classy, creamy, fruity dessert without baking, easy to prepare and with a wonderful taste, here is a solution. This cake will make a splash among children, adults; among family, friends and also the most demanding guests ❤ And how could it not be so? I combined three of the most fantastic ingredients: strawberry, pistachio and white chocolate – which, together with cream cheese and whipped cream, gave the result of a perfect dessert.

The strawberries are fresh, picked from my garden, planted and grown by me. I chose the right ones and of approximately equal size. Needless to say, they are sweet, fragrant and tasty. I bought pistachio paste from a health food store. You can find a multitude of offers on google. You can also make it at home, from raw pistachios and some oil, grounded together in a chopper (like the one I used in the video below).

For the icing on top I used a dose of Red Glaze for tarts (which can be found at any grocery store). It is simple and quick to use. Another option would be a homemade nappage, with pectin and citric acid (both can be found in dedicated stores for pastry supplies). Or, ultimately, you can use gelatin and a red fruit juice (cherries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries). But I didn’t want to use gelatin and, in addition, the Red Glaze would set in a few minutes.

Strawberry Pistachio Cheesecake capsune fistic reteta

Ingredients Strawberry Pistachio Cheesecake

  • 250 g oatmeal cookies
  • 50 g melted butter
  • 350 g cream cheese
  • 30 g icing sugar
  • 200 g white chocolate, melted
  • 75 g pistachio paste
  • 150 g slightly whipped cream
  • 600 g fresh strawberries
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 25 g granulated sugar
  • 8 g red glaze powder for fruit tarts
  • 250 ml water

For preparing instructions please see the video below. Please subscribe to my channel to be notified each time when I post a new recipe ❤


Strawberry Pistachio Cheesecake capsune fistic reteta





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