
Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect recipe Dobos Torte Layered Chocolate recipe Cake Dobos cake Dobos torta egg free dairy free nut free vegan cake dessert coconut cream vegan ganache no eggs sponge cake

Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

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Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

Because we love the Dobos Cake and we have celebrations in the family whose birthdays or name days fall during periods of fasting, I designed a recipe without eggs and dairy, for this wonderful dessert. I started with the recipe for the Vegan Lamington cake, because I knew that it’s fluffy and tasty. I always use quality ingredients, which can be found easily at grocery store. I use canned coconut milk a lot, it’s tasty and full of nutrients, and it’s a wonderful substitute for dairy milk and cream. This way I got a fine and delicious chocolate whipped cream, for those who have allergies or simply are convinced vegans.

Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect RecipeVegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

For the coconut cream, leave the cans of coconut milk in the fridge overnight. Thus the whey will separate from the cream. Coconut cream is the vegan equivalent of whipped cream and it can be used for preparing a wonderful chocolate ganache. The whey can be completed with coconut milk and use it for preparing the sponge cake. Thus nothing is thrown away. Since the preparation of the ganache takes longer, I recommend to start with it. Prepare the composition for the chocolate ganache the day before, leave it in the refrigerator. The next day, prepare the sponge layers and then whip the ganache.

In essence, the Dobos Cake is not very sophisticated, being made up of thin pan di spagna  sheets and chocolate frosting. The defining and unique element, the one that gives it its special beauty and sets it apart from any other cake, is the helix formed by triangles of sponge cake glazed with melted sugar, cut from a top identical to those inside the cake. And, even if it does not follow the original recipe, my Vegan Dobos Cake is absolutely wonderful, it has a perfect taste and I guarantee that you will have a fantastic success with it, especially among Dobos Cake lovers who (for reasons of fasting, veganism, allergy or intolerance) cannot consume ingredients of animal origin.

Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

Ingredients Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

For 7 sponge layers of 16 cm diameter

  • 400 g coconut milk
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 75 g coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 275 g cake flour
  • 35 g corn starch
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt


For chocolate cream filling

  • 250 g vegan dark chocolate
  • 500 g coconut cream
  • 50 g powdered sugar


For sugar glaze

  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cold water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

Preparing Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect recipe


Preparing the sponge layers

Preheat the oven to 329⁰F (165⁰C) and prepare 2-3 round cake pans of about 16 cm (6,5’’) diameter, line them with baking paper, cut into discs that occupy the entire base of the pans. Mix coconut milk with sugar, oil and vanilla. Sift together the cake flour, starch, baking powder and salt, then add them to the rest of the composition. Mix until homogeneous. Divide the composition into 7 equal portions. I weighed them, to make sure that all my sheets come out of approximately the same thickness. For this recipe, I had 125 g of composition for each sheet (and the baked sheets weighed 100 g each).

dairy free egg free Dobostorta Layered Chocolate

So the prepared composition is divided into 7 equal portions. Each portion is transferred to a cake pan, leveled to be as even as possible (otherwise, the cake sheets would be thicker in the middle). In my oven I can bake three cake pans at once. Place the pans in the oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown. When they are ready, take them out of the oven, remove the sheets from the molds and put them onto a wire rack to cool. Continue with the rest of the composition, until all 7 cake sheets are baked. Attention, do not put the raw composition directly into a hot pan.

dairy free egg free Dobostorta Layered Chocolate

Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

Preparing the vegan chocolate cream filling

Chop the chocolate into small pieces. The coconut cream must be cold. Boil half of the coconut cream, pour over the chocolate and mix well until all the chocolate melts. Add powdered sugar, mix well. Then add the rest of coconut cream, which must be cold, and homogenize. At this point, I recommend to taste the cream and, if you like it sweeter, add a little more powdered sugar. Homogenize and taste again. We like the cream slightly bitter.

dairy free egg free Dobostorta Layered Chocolate

Refrigerate the cream overnight. The next day, take it out  from the refrigerator and mix at high speed for a few minutes. A wonderful silky and delicious whipped chocolate ganache is obtained, as you can see in the pictures. If you use high concentrated, creamy coconut milk, you will get a thick cream. Otherwise, there is a risk of breaking the cream during mixing. If this happens, put the bowl with the broken cream in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Then mix it at maximum speed, while adding 30 g of melted, hot coconut oil (or vegan butter, if you don’t have coconut oil). This way the cream will be repaired.

Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

dairy free egg free Dobostorta Layered Chocolate

Preparing sugar glaze

Take one of the 7 cake sponge disks (layers) and place it onto a large sheet of baking paper. I cut the cake sponge in 12 triangles, to make it easier to separate the triangles after glazing them with sugar.

Put the sugar, water and lemon juice in a saucepan over medium heat, until the sugar melts and starts looking like honey. Then take it off the heat, pour it in the middle of the cake disk and spread it with a hot stainless steel spatula (or spoon) towards the edges. When it becomes sticky, separate the triangles from each other using a hot knife (I pass it a little through the flame of the stove eye). Leave the triangles on the baking paper, separated, so that they don’t stick together.

dairy free egg free Dobostorta Layered Chocolate


Assembling Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect recipe

Overlap the 6 cake layers, spreading equal layers of chocolate ganache between them. Then cover all the cake with chocolate ganache and level it nicely.

Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

Form 12 swirls on top and place the sugar glazed triangles, with the towards the center and the base supported by the cream swirls, as seen in the pictures.


Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe

You can cover the side of the cake with walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc., but you must know that the original recipe does not use walnuts, and neither do real Hungarians, because they are proud of this cake as a part of their culinary culture (which I think is quite fair) and they strictly follow the original recipe. On another note, the cake is rich enough, even in the vegan version, so the nuts don’t really help from a caloric point of view 🙂. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube ❤️

Vegan Dobos Cake Perfect Recipe



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